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Expertise Histoire de l'art par Phi-Artiste-Peintre

Art history expertise by Philokalos

Our expertise in the field of art focuses exclusively on historical research. We do not offer analyses of materials specific to the sciences of Matter; our specialisation is in the in-depth study of bibliography, historical and archival sources, with two fields of predilection: Western religious art of the modern period (16th-18th centuries) and ancient Chinese ceramics (Song dynasty).

Documentary research includes :

  1. Reading of recent literature in foreign languages: we have mastered the latest scientific publications in several languages (particularly Chinese), guaranteeing an exhaustive understanding of advances in the field of art.

  2. Keeping abreast of the latest research: we constantly keep abreast of the latest discoveries and ongoing research on art objects, ensuring that our analyses are always up-to-date and relevant.

  3. Study of early printed sources: we have the ability to read and interpret early printed documents, providing an enriched historical perspective on works of art.

  4. Transcription of French Ancien Régime archives: our in-depth knowledge of archives enables us to contextualise and situate art objects in their precise historical context.


Additional services

  1. Designing mediation for artistic and cultural events: develop innovative and strategic content for your artistic and cultural events. We design mediation to reach a wide audience, creating enriching and engaging experiences for visitors.

  2. Proofreading, correction and editing of texts for Scientific Publishing: Ensure the quality and accuracy of your scientific publications with our proofreading, correction and editing service. We help you produce impeccable work, ready for publication and distribution in the academic community.

Philokalos, the Workshop
or the love of a job well done

Study artistic productions

Take advantage of our expertise based on the latest advances in scientific research to identify and provide information on art objects

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Philokalos is your ideal partner. We bring academic depth and scientific precision to the study of artistic heritage.

Phi Artist-Painter

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